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An American (Heather Lee) and a Kiwi (Nat) connected on Insta about all things health and wellness. One’s related to Evel Knievel and the other is just weird! From their past party days to living a more fulfilled and balanced life. Their journey inspired them to help other motivated women like you, step outside their comfort zone and share tips on how you can Glow Get It too! Tune in if you like real, funny and inspiring conversations. Learn how they flip their mindset to one that better supports a glowing mind, body and soul.

Who wants to limit their potential? …No?
It is what it is? …Really?

Well, if you don’t want to settle, then it’s time to call yourself out on your limiting beliefs and step into your future self! 💫

*Why you limit your potential?
*What change can bring into your life?
*How to take steps in the direction of growth?

Bring in a new season to your life and start thinking where you are now, where you want to get, and what you are willing to do to get there. 🚀

And please remember - don’t EVER underestimate how much you can achieve if you go all in! 🙌🏼

Steven Bartlett - @steven – not feeding our problems
Lewis Howes - @lewishowes – The School of Greatness podcast – the quality of our life is directly related to the quality of…
Dr Rangan Chatterjee - @drchatterjee - author of The 4 Pillar Plan

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The word “should” holds so much power 💥. It’s those expectations you put on yourself, and those that come from others.

Those “should’s” hold that space between what you want, and what you think others want of you. 📏

And, let’s be frank, if you want to live an authentic life, then you need to have ZERO time for living how others think you “should”. Am I right?!

*Why the “should’s” hold so much power over us?
*What causes this cognitive distortion?
*How to work through “should’s” in four simple steps?

Nat and Heather Lee have a fun chat that somehow leads to talking about back up dancing for Justin Timberlake & Britney Spears 👯‍♀️🪩🕺🏼

Get ready to drop the judgment (on yourself) and remember that life is about the journey, not the destination.

Dolly Parton - @dollyparton – not limiting ourselves according to other people’s opinions
Jay Shetty - @jayshetty – On Purpose podcast episode “8 Steps for Overcoming Imposter Syndrome & How to Be a Continuous Learner”
Tony Gaskins - @tonygaskins – Author – quote about how we teach people how to treat us
Enneagram personality test –

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The end of any relationship is difficult….but you, my friend, can handle this rollercoaster🎢 of emotions like a boss! 💥

There are millions of reasons for a relationship to end, but the fact is that the end of anything can suck.

The first port of call in this situation is to remember that the healthiest relationship needs to be with yourself. So it’s time to feel the feelings, treat yourself with kindness, and remind yourself that life is about so much more than relationships! ❤️

*Why we desire to be in relationships?
*What we can learn from a relationship that has just ended?
*How to come out the other end, feeling good about yourself?

Nat gets personal and shares what she has been going through the last few weeks – the good, the bad and the FAB!

And with that, we share a long list of tips on how to get through a break-up (and the things you should probably steer clear of).

And please remember: You are amazing. There are always better days coming. Focus on the areas of life that feel good right now. You got this 🙌🏼

Zoe Foster Blake - @zotheysay & @breakupboss – author of Break-up Boss –
Several break-up rom com movies that Heather Lee & Nat love, including:
Legally Blonde
The Holiday
Eat Pray Love
The Break-Up
How to be Single
He’s Just Not that Into You
First Wives Club
Under the Tuscan Sun
Bridget Jones’s Diary

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“Physical fitness is the first requisite of happiness.” – Joseph Pilates

Well, that’s all I need to know 😉

Seriously though, there are the obvious benefits of movement that we tend to focus on, like weight control and endorphins. Now, those belong the attention they get, but there are soooo many more benefits with movement that you might not be so aware of 🧐

*Why movement improves your overall wellbeing - including energy, creativity, brain power, confidence, mood (should I go on)???
*What are the specific benefits of Pilates?
*How to use cardio exercise to boost your focus or increase your memory 🧠?

If you are looking for a bit more motivation to get moving your booty 🍑, then this is the episode for you! We have such a good chat about how all movement improves our lives (and why)….and we dive a bit deeper into the benefits of Pilates as it’s a big passion 💪🏼

Also, a little update from Heather Lee on her Mom, including how movement has improved her life after cancer 💕

Buckle up and prepare yourself to be inspired to get moving 🤸🏼‍♀️

Dr. Wendy Suzuki - – author & neuroscientist
Joseph Pilates – movement instructor & founder of Pilates

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Let’s be real. It’s super hard to stay healthy & motivated in the colder 🥶months – am I right?!

Winter ❄️ is for slowing down a little, and there is certainly nothing wrong with that. But we also need to dig in and maintain our health, especially during the cold and flu 🤧 season.

In this episode we get super practical, but also use some fun ways to motivate us to create some great healthy habits 🤸🏼‍♀️

*Why it’s so hard to keep (and start) healthy habits this time of year?
*What do cucumbers 🥒 have to do with hydration and cognitive function?
*How to switch your mindset in the colder months to keep healthy?

Heather Lee’s last tip is not too popular and not sure Nat is keen, but it’s hands down one of the easiest things to add to your daily routine and is jam packed with health benefits (and also gives you super shiny hair 👩🏻‍🦰👱🏼‍♀️👩🏽‍🦱👩🏿)!

Get ready to fill up your toolkit with heaps of ideas to put into action now 🙌🏼

Mel Robbins - @melrobbins – The 5 Second Rule
Dr Andrew Huberman - @hubermanlab – getting sunlight in the morning
Wim Hof - @iceman_hof – cold therapy

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Work life balance has been a buzz 🐝 topic since we can remember….but it’s getting a lot of airtime at the moment, with the “Great Resignation” still on our doorstep.

So…we talk about it a lot, but what the heck is it?! And more importantly, what is it for YOU?

Listen, we are all juggling 🤹‍♀️, but what you are juggling and what you want to be juggling are unique to each of us. It’s time to get clear on this, and make sure your actions are matching your priorities (pssst….this is what the secret 🤫 to achieving balance is all about)!

*Why work life balance looks different at various stages of our life?
*What steps to take to understand what work life balance looks like for you?
*How to curate your own work life balance?

So put down your juggling balls for 20 minutes, cozy up with your favourite beverage ☕️🧉🧋🥂, and let’s talk all things balance.

You are going to walk away with practical tips and a few things to reflect on….hello, beautiful balanced life, here you come 🙌🏼!

Hillary Clinton - @hillaryclinton – “Don’t confuse having a career with having a life.”

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The answers are all within you ✨. Seriously!

When we learn to listen to our intuition, gut feeling, inner voice….we are able to create a sense of flow 💫 in our life, allowing us to make decisions based on an inner knowing. Pretty cool, we think! 🤔

If you’re thinking this is all woo-woo 🔮, well then you must tune in as we dive into the mind-gut connection, our “second brain” 🧠, and vagus nerve – all of which help form these gut feelings and reactions.

*Why we sometimes ignore our gut feelings?
*What exactly is a gut feeling or your intuition and where does it come from?
*How to tell the difference between your intuition and anxiety?

Nat gets vulnerable and shares a personal story of what happened when she didn’t trust her gut feelings…you must hear this story! And Heather Lee shares how she leads her work life via her intuition – say what?!

This episode is jam packed with ways to recognise and tap into your intuition, so get ready to jot down some notes 📝

This one is a goodie! 🤸🏼‍♀️

Emeran Mayer MD - @emeranmayer – author of The Mind-Gut Connection
Jess Lively - @jessclively – The Lively Show podcast & inner voice facilitator training
Natana Mann - @natana.mann – inner voice facilitator
Nicholas Sparks – @nicholassparks - author of A Walk to Remember
Gavin De Becker – author of The Gift of Fear
Gabby Bernstein - @gabbybernstein – guided meditations

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What is possible when you don’t set limitations on yourself?! ✨

Listen, everything is hard before it is easy; however, we can tell you that nearly anything is possible! And to back up that statement, we have some real life, jaw dropping 😳 stories to share with you in this episode to prove it!

*Why mindset is everything?
*What is the difference between fixed and growth mindset?
*How to upgrade your mindset to make ‘anything’ possible?

Our minds 🧠 are so powerful….so we can either use them to dial up 🆙, or dial down, the beauty and joy in our lives. Your mindset is your own personal filter in how you view yourself and the world. Changing this one thing in your life can be life-changing. So tune in to find out how and to be uber-inspired 🙌🏼

Carol Dweck - @carolsdweck – growth vs fixed mindset
Amy Schumer - @amyschumer – movie I Feel Pretty
George Dantzig – famous math scientist with one of the best mindset stories!
Sandee Angland – Heather Lee’s Mom & hero & kick-ass cancer survivor 💕

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Imagination 💭 is one of the most beautiful abilities we have as humans ❤️

Oh, but when we let it get out of control and start making up stories in our heads, it can be dangerous ⚠️ territory!

Those stories can serve us at times, but often they can limit us and cause oodles of anxiety.

Well, never fear Glowers ✨ as we have unpacked this in today’s episode and offer some great ways to stop those stories in their tracks and get you back on board to living in the present moment!

*Why we make up stories in our head?
*What is the most important thing to ask yourself to stop the vicious cycle?
*How to flip your stories upside down and feel better in the moment?

Nat has some great NLP tips and Heather Lee shares a real life example that happened this weekend to bring it all into perspective.

Remember, when you change your mind about an experience, the experience will change 💥

Brene Brown – @brenebrown – this is the story I’m making up
Craig Harper - @whiteboardlessons – obsession about the past and future
Gabby Bernstein - @gabbybernstein – the Choose Again method and the emotional guidance scale
Byron Katie - @byron.katie – The Work –

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⚠️Spoiler alert! Real life doesn’t always go to plan… what?!

And unlike your fav RomCom 🥰 movie, it also probably doesn’t feel “super cute” when things get a bit chaotic.

Listen, we all have problems. It’s the way we react to them and how we solve them that makes us different.

*What to focus on when things go a bit haywire?
*Why things not going to plan can actually be positive?
*How to shift your mindset in the moment?

Get ready for a few laughs 😆 at Heather Lee’s expense about a not-so-cute-and-fun issue with a washing machine🫧….but we turn it around and use it as a real life example on how to use our 3-step process on what to do when things go wrong.

Tune in until the end as Nat walks us through a calming 🤍 NLP visualisation that will end this episode with you geared up and ready to tackle whatever life throws at you!

The IT Crowd – have you tried turning it off and back on?
Hans Seyle quote – It’s not stress that kills us, it is our reaction to it.
@fisherpaykel – the never-dying washing machine that keeps coming back to life

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Want to level-up your life?! 🆙
It’s time to start investing in yourself, your life, your goals and your dreams!
….and what better way to get started than with some fun and free ways to do just that 🆓🥳

*What we do to keep motivated to take action?
*Why invest in yourself?
*How to start taking action today?

This episode is chockers with over 20 ways to start investing in yourself – you’ve got to tune in to level up!
Heather Lee goes off on the benefits of walking 🚶🏽‍♀️ ….so why not take our podcast on a walk with you and start ticking one of those boxes from the get go 🙌🏼

@jayshetty – On Purpose podcast
@lewishowes – The School of Greatness podcast
@gabbybernstein – Dear Gabby podcast and emotional guidance scale
@mariekondo – getting rid of the clutter. @sammy_reedenvp - bucket list quote

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“I want to be happy” said every human ever! Listen, the pursuit of happiness is something humans have been working towards for a very long time! Kid Cudi even wrote a song about it! 🎶
Here’s a fun fact… the average person has anywhere between 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts 💭 per day. Of those thoughts around 80% are negative and 95% are on repeat! Soooooo, can we really chose happiness?! 🤪
Tune in for loads of great tips on how you can, in fact, choose happiness! 😎
*What is happiness?
*Where does it come from?
*Did you know having more money can make you happier, but what’s the catch?
Nat has us in stitches again, and Heather Lee shares an unusual attachment 🖇 to something!
Listen to the end as we gear you up to reduce the meaning behind words and thoughts 🤔 and why negativity can be a good thing ✨
@martin.seligman - the PERMA model- positive psychology
@mariekondo - the life changing magic of tidying up
@tonyrobbins - always has the best quotes

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Newsflash 🗞 – life is constantly changing whether we like it or not.
Yep, change is inevitable, but that doesn’t mean it has to be bad or scary. Kick Negative Nancy out the door 🚪 as we’ve got some fab ways to flip those thoughts upside down and embrace change and all of the opportunities it brings with it! 🙌🏼
*What happens in our brains 🧠that makes change hard?
*Why change can be scary 👻and how to get out of that negative thought cycle?
*How to feel good about change in your life?
We kick the “what if’s” out the door in this episode and give you some great tips and thought starters on how to put on your positive pants and get excited about the changes in your life.
C.S. Lewis – “Isn’t it funny how day by day nothing changes, but when you look back everything is different.”
Barbara Fredrickson – author of book Positivity - how positivity broadens our minds with change

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Why do people harp on about finding your purpose?!
Well, my fellow glower, it’s your North Star 🌟, what you give to the world, and what will provide you joy and fulfillment in this gorgeous life of yours 💕
It holds a lot of punch 🤛🏽 and being really clear about it will put you into the driver’s seat of your life!
*What a “purpose” actually is?
*Why knowing and understanding your purpose is so important?
*How to figure yours out?
Make sure to grab a notepad 📝 as this episode is packed with thought starters and tips on how to find and use your purpose IRL 🙌🏼
Simon Sinek - @simonsinek – the power of your why
Tony Robbins - @tonyrobbins – how your purpose leads to life fulfillment
Sahara Rose - @iamsahararose – Dharma archetype quiz -

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That’s right, it’s time for a love ❤ punch!
We simply can’t be kicking goals 🥅 if we are focusing and giving excuses all of the time.
The only thing excuses are good for is getting in the way of you living your best life. So let’s get rid of them, right?! 🚫
Listen, goals aren’t always “sexy”, but I guarantee you the results of reaching them is 🔥
*What are the common excuses?
*Why consistency is key?
*How to connect to your goals more than the excuses?
The Japanese have a beautiful word – ikigai – which simply means your reason for being. Or said another way, what get’s you up out of bed in the morning?
That’s the stuff to focus on. It’s where all the feel good, life fulfilling stuff is ✨.
So, grab a cuppa and get ready for a love punch that will get you back on track to living your best life.
Bob Moawad – author of Whatever It Takes – quote about the best day of your life
Darren Hardy - @darrenjhardy – author of The Compound Effect
Jay Shetty - @jaysheety – why we shouldn’t get onto Insta when we wake up in the morning

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Who doesn’t want to be a self-loving, bad ass woman?!
You are already one…yet sometimes you can let a few things get in your way and might need a bit of a boost 🚀 back up into the self-loving haven 🙌🏼
Listen, perfection is a total buzzkill. This life is supposed to be a bit messy, and we can be loving ourselves all the way through it.
*What does self-love actually mean? (hint: we’re not talking all spa days and face masks here)
*Why it’s not actually a completely solo exercise?
*How to boost your own self-love?
This episode starts out with a big bang of belly laughter 😂…which, hello!, boosts self-love ❤️
Get ready to put a big smile 😄 on your face as you are going to be feeling all sorts of good – let’s do this!
Amy Cuddy – power pose - @amycuddy
Barbara Fredrickson – positivity ratio –
Gabby Bernstein – emotional guidance scale - @gabbybernstein
Mel Robbins – high five habit - @melrobbins

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Who doesn’t want to feel their best?! 🙌🏼
Here’s the thing – your health is your wealth. Yep, want to feel fabulous and live a fulfilled life? Time to start investing 📈 in your wellness.
And for those of you that think you have to break the bank 🏦 to feel fab, this episode is for you! It is absolutely PACKED with practical tips on how to achieve optimal well-being on a budget💰.
*What optimal well-being is?
*Why we want to invest in our wellness (instead of spending that hard earned money on illness)?
*How do we achieve it on a budget?
Alright then, saddle up 🐴, grab a notepad 📝 and get ready to invest in your wellness.
🍾 Brunswick Aces – non-alcoholic bar in Melbourne - @brunswickaces
🌅 Dr. Andrew Huberman – getting sunlight first thing in the morning for circadian rhythm - @hubermanlab
🧘🏼‍♀️ Down Dog – yoga app - @downdogapp
✅ LAST – track time passed since – find it in the Apple App Store

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Love a good mirror moment?🪞 Try saying this to yourself 👉🏼 Hello, is it me you’re looking for? (if you sing it like Lionel Richie it will feel that much better)
But seriously, who is the real you?!
Living authentically is a sure fire way to have a richer, more fulfilled life with oodles of self esteem & a tribe that uplifts you. After all who we are, is what we attract! ✨
Do you remember Julia Roberts’ @juliaroberts character in The Runaway Bride? 👰‍♀️ She kept fitting into the lives of her fiancé’s and had lost her own identify due to all of the outside influence. We’ve all been guilty of this, but it’s time to step up and step into the fabulously unique woman you are!
*What gets in your way of living authentically?
*Why is it so hard to be your true self?
*How do you become and discover who the real you actually is? (hint: don’t follow the crowd)
This episode is chock full of thought starters, tips and tricks to get you there. It’s time to stop being what you “think” and start being who you are ❤️.
Tune in to hear what lists Nat used to write for herself and how Heather Lee’s constant moving has influenced how they have grown to live authentically.
Human Design – discover your innate gives & traits – find out at
Brene Brown – the link between vulnerability & authenticity - @brenebrown

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You’ve got a new vision and goals all set, but now what?!

Listen, you don’t get the ass 🍑you want by sitting on it, so it’s time to step up and find your secret sauce for self-motivation.

The fact is, getting the motivation to make changes is freaking hard 🥵, that’s why most people don’t stick with it. But like Dolly Parton says, “A peacock that rests on his tail feathers is just another turkey.” Well, it’s time to put your headphones 🎧 on and soak up all of the goodness of this episode.

*What motivates you and how to figure that out?

*Why is motivating ourselves internally (instead of externally) so important?

*How do you to tap into your motivators, personality traits and the 4 C’s to get moving and smashing your goals?

This episode is literally overflowing with how to get your heart ❤️ and mind 🧠aligned and snap yourself into action. We cover everything from accountability - rewards - NLP – hypnotherapy - to celebrating the small wins!

Of course there are a few laughs along the way and Heather Lee even makes Nat a bit nervous and sweaty 😅 at one point.

Mentions: Gretchen Rubin – the 4 tendencies - @gretchenrubin Link for Gretchens online quiz is

Rob Dial – the mindset mentor & visualisation for motivation - @robdialjr

Marisa Peer – hypnotherapy - @marisapeertherapy

May you glow more each day ✨

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How the heck do we slow time down?! 🐢

Can't believe it's already Monday again? How is the summer nearly over? How is it your birthday again?! Yep, if you're feeling like each year is passing by faster and faster, then this episode is a must listen! 🎧

There is an actual reason why time keeps going faster 🏎

*What makes time fly by faster? *Why does it seem to get worse as we get older? *How do we slow it the f*ck down?!

This episode is jam packed with tons of practical tips on how to get that clock ⏰ back to normal speed and start enjoying your time with intention. Also, you don't want to miss out on hearing how time going slow ended up with Nat in detention 🙈

Mentions: Laurie Santos - @lauriesantosofficial - the art of savouring John Maxwell - @johncmaxwell - it's all about focus

May you glow more each day ✨

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Who the heck wants to deal with burnout or exhaustion, right?!
Well, unfortunately it's a hot topic these days - and that's no surprise, given what we have all been going through these past two years.
Keep putting your keys 🔑 in the fridge? Putting clothes 🩲on backwards maybe? Or perhaps starting your day feels like walking through thick mud 😓 - aka, things feel really freaking hard.
Yep, chances are you're experiencing exhaustion, maybe even burnout.
That's this week's hot topic - that feeling of your personal battery 🔋 being completely drained.
*What are some signs of burnout and exhaustion?
*Why does this happen?
*How do you start restoring yourself from burnout?
Get ready to hear some funny stories of burnout, along with over 10 tips on how to cope both short term and long term.
Remember, you can do anything, but not everything.
Theory that burnout is about resentment - Marissa Mayer - @marissamayer
Boundaries are about what is okay & what is not - Brene Brown - @brenebrown
May you glow more each day ✨

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You are one fine individual! And chances are, a lot of that fabulousness you are carrying around has come from your family 🏡
Ever noticed how certain things are the norm in your family? Maybe you are all big storytellers 📖, or you walk everywhere 🚶🏽‍♀️, you're loud laughers 😆, or you value education 🎓over athletics ⚽️ (or vice versa).
This week we have a fun chat about generational patterns, which are basically habits & identity, that are passed down from generation to generation in your family.
*What exactly is a generational pattern?
*Why does it even matter?
*How do you step out of a pattern (if you want)?
Nat and Heather Lee explore their own generational patterns - expect a few laughs and some vulnerability as they get personal to showcase how you might explore the patterns in your family.
Get ready to feel the power ⚡️you have in your own life - your choice to continue, or not, with a generational pattern.
This life is yours to create and curate!
May you glow more each day ✨

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We’re all just one big ball of energy, but sometimes we feel anything but energetic!
Ever notice how some days you are full of energy and ready to conquer the world…. And then other days you feel flat out drained? But seriously, why is that?!
We start the day with a full battery 🔋and the goal is to keep that battery as charged up as possible. So in this episode we chat all things energy, or more importantly, what drains us and what amps ⚡️us up!
We dive deep into this chat looking at our four areas of energy: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. And we even explore the difference between our masculine side vs our feminine side, when it comes to e-n-e-r-g-y 💥
*Where are you when you are feeling amped up?
*What’s pulling you down?
*Who’s making you feel energised?
*What about those daily habits, how are they affecting your energy levels?
Get ready to explore this hot topic and come away with some huge thought starters around what you can do for your own energy.
Also, randomly, our resident Kiwi 🥝 gives us her top tip to keep the snakes away on a hike (apparently this is called Kiwi ingenuity 🤔)

Heather Lee’s favourite show – Real Housewives of Beverly Hills (no judgment!) @realhousewivesofbeverlyhills
Abundance meditation walk – Tiffany Carter @projectme_with_tiffany
Emotional guidance scale – as taught by @gabbybernstein and @abrahamhickspublications
Book: Eat That Frog - Brian Tracy
May you glow more each day ✨

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Is food feeling like a supportive best friend 👯‍♀️or a bit more like a nagging sibling🙅🏻‍♀️?!
Food can bring us so much pleasure (and of course fuels our body), but it can also be a cause for us feeling unwell, anxious, tired, bloated, the LOT!
In today’s episode, we not only tackle your relationship with food, but also how food can support your lifestyle and priorities.
This chat is bursting with tips, tricks, facts and of course, a few good laughs.  Everything from intermittent fasting to gut health, and even a yummy food idea for your next camping trip.

* What’s your relationship with food
* Why do you eat the food you do
* How to tune into your body
* Why we are anti diet and pro lifestyle
* Why what you eat can affect your mood
Plus we share some of what does and does not work for us so you can learn from our mistakes and triumphs 🙌🏼

Cafe - Matcha Mylkbar St Kilda
Movie - The Game Changers 2018

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It’s the new year and we’re all thinking about our new goals and what we want to manifest into our life this year, right?!
Big goals take big action, but in this episode we talk about the small habits to bring into your daily life to support your g o a l s 💥
This episode is jam packed with over 10 ideas of how you can keep yourself in alignment with very little effort.
Everything from an app to put on your phone to something to say each time you spend money.
Buckle up, grab something to take notes with, and get ready for a few laughs along the way. In our usual style, there’s lots of giggles…especially when Heather Lee starts talking about vibrating!

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We discuss why we always want what we don't have - aka "the green grass syndrome".  Heather Lee shares a great exercise to bring us back to the present moment and Nat shares a hilarious tip on how to be happy with what we have.

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In this episode we reflect and review 2021, then set some goals for 2022. Grab a pen and paper for this episode as we ask specific questions that get you thinking and growing so you can glow get it!

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What our overwhelm feels like and how we're planning to deal with it, including some tips for all of us to give a go!

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Today we discuss everything to do with sleep!  Heather Lee also shares a special talent, which has Nat in hysterics.

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We're both going through a lot of changes with our living arrangements at the moment and it has caused us a lot of stress!  Hear how we turned it around and decided to go with the flow.  I love how we end this episode - lots of laughs!

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A quick snippet about the journey from our party days, how we turned that into our healthy days, and how we really met!  

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